Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Show me the money

Aren't you thoroughly disgusted by now with this administration ?
After listening to Obama appointee, Janet Nepalitano tell the nation that the federal gov't. couldn't start any new projects and that FEMA was almost broke, I was really pissed off.
Over the past two and a half years, this administration has squandered hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to build infrastructure and buildings in foreign countries as well as contribute our dollars to foreign armies and support military actions that are none of our business.
Now that we have had numerous disasters in this country, there seems to be no more money for Americans.
I've gradually revised my observation that Obama was a socialist......he's an outright communist. Under his (lack 0f) leadership, he has systematically kept this country from recovering from a recoverable recession.
He continues to expand government to exert more control over our lives and freedoms.
After re-reading "The Mouse That Roared", i believe that if just one small state like Vermont or Rhode Island were to declare war on Washington, they would get billions of dollars thrown at them like we do for foreign nations.
It's time to withdraw from the federal government and divide the country into states, and leave Washington, D.C. to rule itself without interfering with the rest of us.
The Obama mantra these days must be "Dollars for enemies, none for Americans".


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