Monday, July 25, 2011

Obama speaks...America is pissed.

I just listened to President Obama's speech regarding a solution to our debt ceiling crisis.
First, he started out by blaming others for his inadequacy in coming up with a plan to solve this dilemma.
His demeanor was mean and condescending in his castigation of the Republicans for wanting his outrageous spending curtailed.
During his term in office, over a Trillion dollars of wasteful spending has been spent on frivolous projects like research for shrimp on treadmills, teaching pigs to walk in an orderly line, etc., etc., etc.
Obama is first to take credit for things that happen on his watch such as the assassination of Bin Laden (even though the SEAL team had been set up and practicing for this under the Bush administration), but won't take the blame for anything that's gone wrong (such as the failure of his Stimulus Package).
When he speaks to Congress, he talks down to them, treats them like children and even throws TANTRUMS.
As the months have gone by, we are seeing an angrier and more confused man sitting in the President's chair (when he's in Washington and not out campaigning).
Perhaps Obama is finally realizing that he is "in over his head" and that running our country is not the job for a thug community organizer. He wears his ego on his chest...nothing is ever his fault or responsibility. He is NEVER wrong. Can you imagine what his poor daughters have to put up with ?
The bottom line is that even though Obama is the President of the United States of America, he is incapable of running this country and won't admit it.
The debt ceiling crisis is easily solved without threatening Social Security and Medicare recipients.
First, stop spending on special interest groups that benefit only a few with frivolous projects.
Second, repeal Obama care; that will cost us Trillions in the near future.
Third, balance the budget.
Fourth, discontinue all grants, regardless of who benefits.
Fifth, stop foreign aid to our enemies.
Sixth...and most important RECALL OBAMA FROM THE PRESIDENCY.
If he is left to continue, our country will be in ruin and poverty will run rampant throughout what is the middle class (at this time). President Obama and most of Congress are setting us up for another great Civil War. Obama is hell-bent on destroying the economic principles that have made America great. His policies and increased regulations have brought growth to a halt as businesses don't want to expand because under Obama, success is penalized. New regulations are causing many businesses to close, many professionals to retire early and a growing disgruntled population. Obama is aware that he is causing a wave of civil unrest to come over this country and is bringing in foreign troops to help squelch it. If he isn't stopped, there will be blood in the streets and you will be broke.
By keeping your head in the sand, you are supporting his incompetence and condoning the ruin of our country. Get involved, speak up, write to your representatives (and if they don't listen, vote them out).
Dammit..................DO SOMETHING !!!


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