Monday, May 30, 2011

Upcoming possibilities

As we get closer to being able to get rid of Obama and elect a new President, it has occurred to me that there are some pluses and minuses in Obama's re-election.

On one hand, Obama is unbeatable. This is because:
A. He has already started campaigning
B. He is raising tens of millions of dollars for his campaign
C. His organization (ACORN) is huge and capable of massive fraud at the polling places
D. He has a lot of charisma and can fool a lot of people with his speeches
E. He has already cut deals with big business to secure their backing
F. The Republicans haven't figured out who they would put up against him

On the other hand, Obama can be beaten. This is because:
A. Some states have passed laws that make a person show valid ID before voting so dead people and illegal aliens can't vote this time as they did in the last election. This removes seven percent of the votes that Obama received in 2008.
B. Many people that voted for Obama are disgusted at what he's done to this country and would not vote for him again.
C. There are two interesting candidates that could beat Obama (if the playing field were level). They are:
Governor Perry of Texas that has more governmental experience than Obama ever will have. Perry has made Texas into the fastest growing state in businesses, population growth and the economy (in spite of the economic problems in the rest of the country. He understands both governing and the economy.
And then there is Herman Cain, who has no political experience, but tremendous business experience and an excellent and practical agenda for making the United States the most prosperous country in the world again. As an added benefit, Cain (according to recent polls) can take over 60% of the black vote away from Obama.
Both of these men are great speakers and have the charisma that makes people listen and like them.

Of course, at this point in time, it's difficult to see who when and how the 2012 election will go. I will promise you that no matter who runs against Obama will be hit with every illegal, immoral and unethical trick in Obama's bag of tricks. Be prepared to see how an egomaniac tyrant tries for re-election. It ain't gonna be pretty.


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