Saturday, May 28, 2011

Who's watching the store ?

Well, is this the last straw ? While our country is in massive unemployment, we are at war around the world, there are great natural disasters destroying property and lives in this country, the country is in massive debt, Obama is either campaigning or running around the world, visiting other countries so he can say that he has "foreign policy experience".
On Friday, he signed an extension of law by AUTOPEN while visiting France (just before his visit to Poland).
Wouldn't it be nice if we could all go visiting around the country as well as around the world on the "taxpayer's dime" and when we had to do any work at our job, just "call it in" and AUTOSIGN any documents from afar ?
AUTOPEN is a mechanical device that's used instead of a person actually being available to sign a document.
We, the people of the United States of America have employed Obama to be our President and expect him to come to work. He has not been "at his desk" (or anywhere in Washington) so many times that we have no other choice but to FIRE him and replace him with someone that will take the job seriously by at least showing up for work.
I can appreciate someone wanting to visit other countries and meet various dignitaries as well as touring around the United States; but not at my expense. We, the taxpayer are not only paying for needless travel (and it's very expensive) but are "picking up the tab" on Obama's campaign to be re-elected. Is this a prudent way to spend your money ?
FIRE Obama before he uses up more of our money while he watches our country in turmoil. He is by far, the worst President that we have ever seen. Of course, there are things that we all disagree with our previous Presidents about. However, I have never experienced disagreeing with the President on practically everything that he says or does until this monarch came along. How much longer are you going to stand for his behavior to continue ? Haven't you had enough yet ?
He has done so much damage in his time in Washington (shoving an unpayable health care plan down our throats, forcing us to be totally dependent on foreign oil, doing nothing to get America back to work, keeping us in wars that we shouldn't be in, taking credit for things that were not his doing, hindering America's recovery, making enemies throughout the world, crippling our economy, etc.). that it will take a very strong person to undo the damage that Obama has already done. If he is left in office (or re-elected) it could be the end of our way of life in this country that we've grown used to.
Get Obama out of our lives.....................................


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