Saturday, April 30, 2011

What matters...

Well, it looks like the Obama "birth certificate search" has been finally resolved. It is official; he was born in Hawaii and is declared as a Negro. This also confirms that he isn't white. Does that really matter ? Some might say that there is a difference between having a black or white President. I don't think that matters.
Now Obama's proof of education is under scrutiny. We're told that he went to a junior college in Los Angeles for two years, then transferred to Columbia University (as a Political Science major).
In 1885 he moved to Chicago and two years latter was accepted to Harvard Law School (graduating in 1991). Does any of that really matter ? We've had Presidents with far less education as well as some with more.

What really matters is the things that a President does to help or harm our country. As an example, Andrew Jackson was condemned as a tyrant during his Presidency. However, it took that in order to bring our country's debt down to Zero.
What really matters is that Obama will go down in history as the WORST President that ever ran this country. He not only is a tyrant, but is clueless in running anything. His ego forces him to believe that he knows better than anyone else what is right for America. Now his focus is primarily on being elected.
He is not done with bringing America down. With the help (and direction) of his "collaborators" like George Soros and others that are hellbent in seeing the United States of America fail, he has already hurt this country with his policies, agenda and lies more than any President before him. Those that look up to him are surely ignorant about anything that has transpired since his election.
Just ask yourself, are you better off today than you were when Obama took office ? The answer for 99% of us is NO. Our cost of living has gone up, our National Debt is so high that it probably can never be paid off, more people are unemployed than were during the 1929 depression, we are engaged in three wars (why are we in Libya), a "Health Care Bill" has been forced down our throats that is so costly that we cannot afford it, etc.
Now this con man and puppet of foreigners wants to be President for another four years. In just two years he's done more damage than any President before him and he still has almost two more years to do more damage. And, he wants four more years.......that's unconscionable.
If we permit him to continue and to be re-elected, the United States of America, the American dream, our standard of living, our way of life, and our children's future are all in jeopardy. Yes, it really hurts me to see this man go about destroying my country.


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