Friday, February 04, 2011

Who's the boss ???

I thought that Obama was just President of the United States. Apparently, he thinks that he is Ruler of the World. Obama is dictating to Mubarak to leave office (or else). With one percent of the population of Egypt protesting in the capitol, the Egyptian government is worried about it being overthrown.
Can you imagine if one percent of the United States population (about 3 1/2 million people) protested outside of the White House and Putin told Obama to step down...
Obama ignores the will of the people (Obama Care is a perfect example), yet he tells other world leaders what to do about ignoring their citizens. Is Obama's ego that big that he thinks that he can solve all of the world's problems by dictating to everyone ?
If only this ego-maniac (Obama) would practice what he preaches, the United States would be well on the way to recovery.
Just today, Obama lied to us again. He said that unemployment went down almost one percent (actually .8%). Everyone is agreed that for every 3,000,000 jobs created, unemployment would drop one percent. So how does the most recent 36,000 jobs account for Obama's .8% ? Obviously, he isn't concerned with all of those people no longer collecting unemployment benefits, that have dropped out of the system.
Why can't we have a protest to have him removed from office ? There certainly are enough unemployed to have at least 1,000,000 people show up at the White House to shout, "Get out of Washington, Step down now". If a third world country can have its population protest enough to cause its ruling regime take notice, why can't a country as strong as the United States do the same thing in order to rid itself of a tyrant.
I'm ready, are you ???


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