Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Another hoax....

Well, this regime (administration) is living up to its mantra of "never let a good crisis go to waste".
Obama is against "Big Oil" so everywhere we look, we're shown pictures of oil drenched swampland, oil soaked birds, people cleaning up oil balls, etc.
This has all of us going along with the "moratorium" o drilling for oil in the Gulf.
After speaking with several people that volunteered to help clean birds and the beaches, they all said that they left because there was little to do. The pictures and videos that we see on the news are isolated incidents and that the fishing was great. This is why the local fishermen in the gulf states are against the "moratorium" because it includes shutting down all fishing and related enterprises, including the support industries for both the oil industry and the fishing industry; thus unemploying tens of thousands of wage earners.
The White House is not responsible for creating jobs. If they quit making stimulus packages, new rules and laws and just get out of the way, the private sector can recover easily.
The White House also has a new way of counting new jobs. If you pay me $50 to mow your back forty, and I pay you $50 to mow my back forty...the government then says that two new jobs were created and the GNP went up by $100.
Write or call your Congress and tell them to get out of the way. Nowhere in the Constitution does it give the government the power to determine our fiscal opportunities.
Although I frown on conspiracy theories, I'm almost convinced that this Congress, in realizing that they are all about to lose their "cushy" jobs, are planning on taking the rest of us down with them by destroying the economy of the United States.
This administration has already dived the citizens of this country by age, race, economic status, etc.
We want everyone removed from our government (Federal as well as local), and get new people in these positions of power so we can move forward.


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