Thursday, July 08, 2010

Financial Reform Bill

Just like the Health Care Bill, the 2,315 page Financial Reform Bill (S.3217) has little to do with financial reform. First of all, not knowing what's in it, the House of Representatives voted for it in June.
Most of the bill is not about finance, but about controlling more of America.
As an example; there is one whole section that addresses employment. It states that all financial institutions and their contacts and customers must have a diverse employment policy based on the latest census. More specifically, every bank, brokerage firm, advisory service and rating agency must employ the same percentage of race, sexual orientation and ethnicity that the most recent census shows this country to have. It goes on to say that every business that uses these institutions and companies must also have the same diversity in their employees. In other words; if you have a small business, the bank that you write your checks from, can not have you as a customer unless your employees fit the same diversity as the government deems to be that of America.
This provision alone is worse than the failed Affirmative Action Bill from years ago.
The loopholes that the bill contains, restrict the way the financial institutions only slightly and it's "business as usual" for them.
This isn't Financial Reform...this is Hiring Reform.
However, you won't know about it because no one in Congress has read it. Just like the Health Care Bill, you'll find out how it hurts (rather than helps) this country, only after it's passed and initiated.
Since most of Congress knows that we'll probably vote them out soon, they are "hellbent" on doing the most amount of damage that they can before they have to change careers.
Sure, just like we needed a reasonable Health Care Bill, we also need a Financial Reform Bill; but certainly not what Congress has voted for and will shove down our throats.
Why do these bills need so many pages ? So no one will read them in their entirety and remove everything that doesn't pertain to the original intent of these bills.
Why do you continue to pay these people (yes, their your employees) that are screwing us so badly ?
Would you keep an employee that was doing damage to your business ? Of course not.
Let's get these bastards out of our government. I even urge you to RECALL the President and Vice President.
It doesn't matter what Party they're affiliated with; if they're in office, they must go.


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