Friday, July 02, 2010


Your Congress just voted a $10 Billion for teachers. This is to buy votes in November.
After you vote in all those incompetent bastards, in December there will be revealed Obama's Value Added Tax.
First, Obama will start screaming about our debt to panic Congress into voting for this VAT.
This will be accomplished by the bond crisis that is being planned in the White House as I write this.

Yes, a BOND CRISIS is being carefully planned by Obama and his cohorts.
After they vote in a VAT, it will be increased every year after that.
So, Obama's promise that any tax hikes will not affect anyone making less than $250,000/ year is a LIE. The VAT will be on EVERYTHING that you purchase (in addition to the taxes on those items already).
Once there is a Bond Crisis, no nation will loan us money and will start to recall the Treasury Notes that they already hold. In order to pay them back, a new tax will be levied on us...This will be called the Value Added Tax.
Not only has the White House declared to not wasting a good crisis, they are now plotting to have one.
With a VAT in place, most corporations will be forced to relocate overseas, increasing unemployment, reducing the incomes of those still working and letting the government take over existing companies, thus making gov't. the only major employer. The jobs aren't being outsourced, the companies and corporations are moving out.
This will eradicate the middle class and make them part of the poor. The poor will be so large that they will become dependent solely on gov't. handouts and will vote in anyone promising them any "freebie".
We are rapidly moving towards a Communist society with Obama setting it up. His picture already hangs between Stalin and Mao. Those that hate America, cheer at his every move.
He wants illegal aliens to be made legal.
He wants our power to win a war restricted (ask anyone in Afghanistan).
He wants everything that we produce to have restrictions that make it impossible to stay in business.
He already has forced a $10 trillion ObamaCare down your throat.
He has already stepped on our Constitution.
He, personally has used his power in illegally firing heads of private and public corporations.
He is acting a a foreign agent dedicated to the destruction on this country.
You idiotic liberals, just keep driving around with your Obama stickers on your car as he makes it impossible for you to own or drive it.
You think that you'll be OK because you have investments, property and savings ? With new legislation, your investments and property will be heavily taxed and your savings will be penalized; all to the point that they cease to exist. Before he's finished with you, the gov't. will own, regulate and supervise every aspect of your life. The only difference between you and the slaves of the past is that you won't have a steel chain around your neck. By making the majority of you poor, chains are no longer needed.
Look at all the damage Obama has already done...and we have two and a half more years for his destructive agenda.
You idiots voted in a person that you knew nothing about. Now you're getting what you deserve. The problem is that those that didn't vote for him are being punished too. The sad part of this is that most of the people that voted for Obama (and the other liberals) are so ignorant that they would do it again.
We will all suffer while the world continues to laugh at how stupid Americans are.
Yes, a Value Added Tax is coming. So, get ready to earn less and pay more.


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