Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's incredible, the political gyrations that this administration is doing with "not wasting a good disaster".
Obviously, BP bears responsibility for the cause if the oil spill in the Gulf. We already know that one of the safety features was faulty and they chose to continue operations without repairing it (a blow-by valve). The problem of all this mess lies directly at the feet of Obama himself.
Here is why;
There are several deep water wells that are three to five times deeper than this BP well that have been operating without incident. Should a problem of this kind occur, there are protocols in place to rapidly contain it.
This is not the first time that this exact same problem has happened. When it happened in the North Sea, off the coast of Peru, offshore Venezuela and several other spots around the world, procedures were put into effect and in every case, the oil flow was stopped within 48 hours.
The protocol calls for the gas and oil coming up to be immediately ignited and left burning until the flow is stopped. Then a undersea robot is sent down to bend the pipe over 180 degrees, thus shutting off the oil and gas from escaping.
Here's why that didn't happen...when the White House was first informed about the BP tragedy, Obama was advised to "let it go for a few days" and the EPA was instructed to demand that the oil and gas fire (already happening) was to be extinguished. When other oil companies (from other nations with experience with this type of mishap) volunteered to come and aid immediately, Obama declined because he didn't want any ships not of U.S. registry or flying foreign flags in our coastal waters.
This now guaranteed that the oil would continue to flow, giving Obama a chance to shut down all offshore oil production by U.S. firms and in U.S. waters.
The aftermath is that without any legal authority, Obama personally played his Chicago thuggery on BP CEO Tony Hayward and "shook him down" for a $20 billion escrow account and an additional $100 million for out of work oil company employees.
This knee-jerk reaction is like grounding all planes if just one should crash and then demanding that the airlines pay their out of work employees. Drilling and oil production continues in the Gulf by companies not affiliated with U.S. oil firms.
After seeing the treatment that Tony Hayward and BP were getting, all foreign oil companies are already starting to leave U.S. waters and not have any further dealings with the United States. So, if we can't drill in Alaska or off our shores and companies like Shell, Statoil, Aramco, etc. will stop dealing wih us; where do we get our oil from in the future ?
Has Obama and Emanuel really thought this out ??? Regardless, get ready for a gov't. takeover of another industry (oil), much higher prices for fuel and a deeper recession. This is the "change" that Obama promised us...
I'm not pleading a case for BP. They screwed up and are now paying for it. I'm just letting you know that all the damage to the environment and loss of income to the Gulf states is totally Obama's fault.


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