Wednesday, May 05, 2010

The size of our government is the largest that it has ever been, filled with departments and agencies that are either redundant or totally unnecessary.
In trying to "create jobs", the Obama administration has created more departments and agencies than any other president. At last count, there were 598 departments and agencies that comprise our government. They each consist of as few as 12 people and as many as tens of thousands of people, all receiving annual salaries from $62,000 to over $200,000.
Is it any wonder that this country's annual budget is so large (and unsustainable) ?
Not only are the salaries extremely high for what most of them do, they also get many other benefits (such as free medical coverage and retirement packages), all at your expense.
Our government has become the largest employer in this country, filling newly created positions with, in some cases, the unqualified and hard core unemployable.
Some of the people most recently hired have no education beyond the 6th grade and some are so illiterate that they sign their paychecks with a check mark.
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to see people having jobs, but not being paid for totally unnecessary work (if and when they show up) out of taxpayer money.
A large amount of these departments and agencies have been created only during the past 14 months. This country functioned well without them and can do just fine if they were eliminated. Talk about Big Government; it's so large that no one really knows the total extent of it.
We've all heard about companies that were "too large to fail"; well, we have a government that's "too large to succeed".
To make matters worse, this huge workforce owes their jobs to the government and is obligated to vote for the very people that have created these unnecessary positions that they now occupy. What a great way to "buy votes" with your money.
The corruption in these agencies is unprecedented, with people never having to come to work and still getting paid as though they were there and there was meaningful work for them to do.
Wouldn't you like a job that paid you over $60,000 to over $200,000 a year that you never had to show up for ? The answer is obvious.
One of the worst people taking advantage of wasting your money is Michele Obama, with her outrageous spending on personal items to take with her when the Obamas have to get out of Washington.
Because of all of this wasteful spending, your taxes will have to be increased so that the government can keep expanding regardless of the need for this expansion; and the only thing that you ca do about it is to vote out every person in office the first chance that you get. It's either that or to have a second Revolutionary War...


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