Thursday, April 29, 2010

Illegal aliens

Arizona's new law requiring anyone stopped for a violation or crime must prove that they're in Arizona LEGALLY, is causing great concern to the Obama administration.
First of all, the Arizona law doesn't go into effect until latter this year; second, it is not "racial profiling" in that one must have violated a law or ordinance before they can be challenged to prove their legal status regardless of their race.
The reason that Arizona has made this law is:
(1) Arizona residents are afraid to leave their homes for fear of the overwhelming amount of burglaries by illegal aliens.
(2) The Obama administration will not enforce the already existing illegal immigration laws already "on the books".
(3) States Rights are being denied.
In Obama's systematic disassembly of this country, he is creating the greatest divide between the races and the eradication of the middle class.
Obama has already instructed his army (ACORN) to organize protest groups to push for amnesty. The main reason for this is to either have 20 million new voters to stop the obvious overthrow of the Democrats in Congress. ACORN was very successful in getting millions of illegals to vote for Obama and will do it again.
As a side note: We are told that Americans won't take the jobs that illegals will. This was disproved just this week, when an employer in Arizona fired 355 illegals from his business and those jobs were filled by Americans within one day.
Another reason Obama is afraid of the Arizona law is that there are 13 other states that are proposing similar laws and Obama might have to prove that he's here legally.
Even the Latino community that is here legally is against amnesty because they did it legally at great cost in time and money and see this as a slap in their faces.
The horde of census takers are instructed to especially count illegals so that more taxpayer dollars can go to the areas that have a large population of them.
New York has come up with an interesting solution; illegals are given a one-way plane ticket out of the country, courtesy of the city of New York.
Arizona could do this in another way by giving the illegals a one-way bus ticket to sanctuary cities like San Francisco and Austin. This would rid Arizona of their problem and move the problem to the bleeding heart liberal cities that "want" them.
All of this could be avoided if this administration would just ENFORCE the laws that already exist.
Personally, I'd round up every illegal that I could find and put them in self contained labor camps to manufacture items for Americans until they work off the cost of deporting them (both the transportation and administrative costs).
Mexicans aren't the only illegals in this country. We are overrun by Russians, Hatians, muslims, and Africans (from every country in Africa).
Obama REFUSES to enforce our already existent immigration laws.
He has already called on "people of color" to protest any states new immigration laws.


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