Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Congress has sent the message..."We know what's good for you...You don't".
Congress has spoken...the people have been ignored.
By now you all know how your representatives betrayed you. At least the Republicans held their position and not a one voted for an impossible bill.
Between the lies, the intimidation, the corruption and the back room deals, Obama, Pelosi and Reid set the tone with the passing (and signing) of this so called "Healthcare Reform Bill".
This now opens the doors for even more government interference in your life. They already have crippled private enterprise with all the rules and regulations they attach every year, they've cut the throats on the energy and natural resource sector, they still aren't done killing the bank and loan business, they killed our auto industry and will soon allow citizenship to anyone that wants it.
When I think about it, it really isn't completely the fault of a President that is clueless, or the evil of the leaders of Congress...the fault is also YOURS. You elected these people, you permitted them to continue with their corrupt ways and all you did was bitch about it. You now have before you the only two logical choices to get us back to honoring our Constitution. Those ways are either to remove ALL of Congress, the President and his inept Vice President, the judges on the Supreme Court as well as the heads of every cabinet and governmental department either by voting them out or an outright REVOLUTION.
To let these people continue with all of the things on their agenda (amnesty, takeover of the financial businesses, doling out of medical care for the aged, etc.), you are obviously discontent with FREEDOM and want to become totally dependent on the government. Every year, you lose more and more rights and freedoms under the guise of "your government protecting you".
If you do nothing, you are saying, "I'm willing to give up Freedom for the government to take care of me". With the passage of this bill, you've opened the door for this administration to run "rampant" over you, your family, your home, your job, your businesses, your food and water, your transportation, and most importantly, your FREEDOMS.

They have been using the "How To Boil A Frog" theory on us for over half a century.
*How to boil a frog, says to put the frog in a pan of cool water. Slowly, ever so slowly, turn up the heat until by the time the frog notices that the water is too hot, he can't jump out and is boiled to death.

How much government control does it take before we are slaves? They already have, year after year, taken more and more freedoms and rights from us......when does it stop ? It stops when you have no further chance of doing anything about it.
I beg you you to get rid of the evil that is about to befall us before it happens. We must get rid of these so called representatives that only represent themselves and laugh at the rest of us. Ever wonder how a member of Congress retires as a millionaire on their salary ? Ever wonder why companies hire them for millions of dollars a year as lobbyists and consultants ?
As in all Republics, once they start acting as a democracy, corruption and evil overtakes that government until it finally falls. Are you ready for the United States to fall into just a memory in future history books ? Well, that's where we're headed.
Do everything that you can...and then more, to stop this from happening. If you do nothing, you deserve the conditions that will fall on you.


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