Monday, February 01, 2010

Wrong, wrong, wrong....

Today, the liar of the century (Obama) told us more of his "bull----".
When he announced the largest budget in history ($3.8 Trillion), that, by the way will all be from borrowed money as the unemployed are no longer contributing to the taxes that Washington takes in, he spewed his misinformation with propaganda and lies again.
He said that the national debt increased over the last 10 years by $101 Billion and that the Clinton administration left us with a surplus.
The truth is that after Clinton had left office, the "books" were then audited and we found that Clinton had "cooked the books" to reflect a surplus rather than the true deficit.
He didn't take into account that:
(1) We were attacked during the last 8 years, but said that we engaged in a war that we can't pay for.
(2)He never mentioned that during his term in Washington, that he voted for EVERY spending bill that the Democrat controlled Congress (for the previous 3 years) passed.
(3) He said that he was going to "create 3 million new jobs. How ??? We've already lost over 7 million jobs. Aren't those jobs still there, just needing to be staffed ?
(4) He announced that he was going to cut the deficit. The first item in this cut was the proposed pay increases for our soldiers, fighting a war that he won't let them win.
...and I could go on; but you get the picture. This man is either being fed a ton of misinformation or he really is stupid.
He refuses to take responsibility for the chaos that he's created over this last year and continues to blame everyone else (the Republicans, Bush, Wall Street, the banks, the insurance companies, etc.)
He totally supports a world government rather that honoring our Constitution.
He supports all muslim complaints.
He refuses to do anything about the illegal alien drain on our economy.
How can we "recall" this horrible, gutless, egomaniac that's lacking any skills or aptitude in running even a community project, let alone, our country ???
We must remove him from office before he does any more long term damage. In addition, I beg you to VOTE OUT every incumbent in Congress in the November election.
Please help me save my country.


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