Monday, January 04, 2010

Checks & Balances.

First we gave them $200 billion, then we gave them another $400 billion and, unbeknownst to the rest of us; your Congress decided that all of those zeros would'nt fit in the little rectangle on a check; so, for an Xmas present, on Christmas Eve, they voted to give them a BLANK CHECK (fill in what you will) of your money. That leaves the U.S. "balance sheet" so far in the "red" that we can never recover from it.
But that's not enough, wait until Health Care Reform, Cap & Trade, etc. start dumping their costs on us........OMG.
Of course, this additional money won't appear on any list as part of the $12.6 billion debt that this administration has piled up in less than a year. Because of how Washington is "cooking the books", we may never know exactly how far in debt we are.
I know, you don't really care because it's not coming out of your pocket........BULL----, the only way for this government to keep operating is by raising your taxes and putting their hands deeper into your pockets. You may not feel it just now, but you soon will see that interest rates go up, prices of everything go up, services cost more and you get less and your pay goes down. You may be too complacent to notice it right away, but sooner or later, you will. It will be too late by then for you to do anything about it.
Now that Obama sees that he can buy votes in the House and the Senate, the "American Dream" is over. This was the last generation to enjoy the standard of living that we have achieved.


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