Sunday, November 29, 2009

The biggest cause...

Today, as I was thinking about all of the problems that we have in this country, I thought about thinking "outside of the box" in order to not be sidetracked by any one issue or another.
The question that I posed was, how did we get from our beginnings at Plymouth Rock to the myriad of problems that we have today.
I looked at other countries around the world and found that what most of them had in common, we did not have in common with them.
The word DIVERSITY just jumped up and bit me on the ass. I then realized that our diversity has eroded into political correctness.
Socialists have studied this phenomena of how problematic diversity can be. It is a fact that mixing races, religions, ethnicities, origins, cultures, etc. can only lead to the eventual breakdown of the society that absorbs this mix.
As an example, we in the United States have more crime (per capita) than any other country in the world and lead the world in jailed prisoners. Russia is a distant second to us with China being third. Countries with little to no diversity maintain their language, culture and respect for one another. The more diversity in any given population, the more animosity within that group.
Certainly, bringing all of the cultures of the world together is one of the major contributions that has made this country as great as it has become. Well, that mix no longer applies. The "experiment" called the United States of America can no longer justify the deterioration of its society by permitting diversity and political correctness to continue.
The incident at Ft. Hood is a blatant example of how harmful it can be to continue to bring people together with differing allegiances and agendas.
In countries with little to no diversity, the only major unrest usually is in the form of anger about their leadership. In countries that practice diversity, crime increases as the population becomes more diverse.
Of course, a draconian solution would be to deport everyone that is not a citizen and put very limiting quotas on anyone wanting to become a citizen in the future. I know that this is ridiculous. However, consider that we could stop all future immigration for at least two to three generations, until this country settles back into being American. Then we could slightly lift quotas and let in only those that would make a major contribution to this country by their being here. In other words, if you can't contribute to our system, then you can't avail yourself of our system.
If we were to get back to this country being predominantly American, many of our problems would either minimize or completely disappear. What I'm saying, is that we need our culture back, in order to continue to be America. I'm not preaching bigotry, merely survival.
Rather than form an immediate opinion about this, take some time and think it over.


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