Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Not my President...

When are you going to realize what your President is doing to this country ?
On this, his most recent trip to China, after bowing down to their Communist leader, he then went on to Shanghai to hold a "town hall" meeting.
At that meeting, first he apologized for how women are treated in America and then went on to tell them that we are guilty of many things. He even said that we should be more like them.
What the hell is the matter with this man ? How can his inept handlers let him continue belittling our country and its people ?
Even the Chinese are wise to him. In their press, the next day, they said that President Obama has less intelligence than the ground they walk on...(Translation: He'd dumber than dirt).
Everything he does fails. Just look at his community organization in Chicago...it's broke and falling apart. As a community organizer, he was a failure. As a Senator, he was out of his element and just did as he was told; and as our President, he's destroying this country.
He has never made a speech without a myriad of lies woven into it; and yet you continue to believe in him.
Our most important problem is our economy and unemployment. Instead of trying to repair that, he is focused on shoving his ObamaCare and Cap & Trade down our throats while increasing taxes and expanding government.
How long is it going to take you to see this failure of a man for what he really is....a self involved ego-maniac that doesn't give a damn about you, your family and your country.
I have always supported my President regardless of my agreement or not with his actions and policies. Barack Husein Obama IS NOT MY PRESIDENT. My President would never badmouth this great country. My President would be dealing with making this country richer, more powerful and safer. This "Bozo" pretending to be a President is doing just the opposite.
As an example; he thinks that he knows how to win the war in the Middle East better than the experienced Generals that are there. He thinks that by creating more Czars and government departments that he's solving the unemployment crisis.
I am thoroughly disgusted that my country is being run by his cronies that have no experience at running anything while he flits around making speeches filled with lies.
He talked about Hope and Change. First of all, Hope is a non-experiential word primarily used in Sunday sermons...he has given us change; the Change being that everything is worse than it was before we ever let him loose to do the ongoing damage that he's doing.
Your support or belief in Obama just verifies your ignorance.


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