Tuesday, October 06, 2009

A solution...

In my lifetime, never have so many people been concerned and/ or involved in an upcoming piece of legislation as this "Healthcare Reform" bill that is being proposed for Congress to lay upon us.
The controversy extends from very practical suggestions to the extremely absurd. Every day, several of the proposals are being changed, modified or eliminated...thus leaving all of us not knowing exactly what is in this bill.
To make matters worse, it will be voted on by those in Congress that haven't even read any (or most) of it and are relying on "what they've been told".
My solution to the overall problem is this:
Since we are supposed to be a Democracy and this bill affects every American in pocket, body and mind; why not put it on next November's ballot and let the PEOPLE vote on whether or not they want it put into law.
This also gives Congress additional time to draft a bill that will be completed (after all changes).
Since the bill will not become law until 2012, there isn't a rush to shove it down our throats, so having it on the ballot next November still gives us ample time to vote for or against it. This also gives everyone the time to know exactly what is in it and a choice to vote for or against it.
In addition, by allowing the citizens of this country to vote on this issue, it takes some of the responsibility for its success (or failure) away from our representatives...


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