Friday, September 18, 2009

Real confusion...

This Congress as well as the Presiding President are really confused or totally inept as far as all of this discussion goes, concerning "health care".
All they have to do is take a page from Texas's "play book". What they did in Texas was institute Tort Reform and not only has health care costs plummet in that state but every child is automatically insured regardless of their economic circumstances.
I don't even know why anyone would need yo buy medical insurance when anyone can go to any hospital, receive treatment and declare their inability to pay (true or not) and leave without any charge.
Medical insurance should only cover catastrophic events so that any major surgery or treatment does not make the recipient destitute. Why should it cover breast implants, abortions, face lifts, hang nail removal, facials, tattoo removal, etc. ?
Obviously, the REAL reason that Obama is trying to shove this Health Care Bill down our throats is for gov't. control of our lives. Ask yourself, why is he rushing a bill that won't go into effect for four more years ? Could it be so the next President has to deal with its failure ? Or could it be that after it becomes law, Obama, by issuing Presidential Executive Orders, can bypass Congress and add or modify this bill to his liking without any public scrutiny ?
U.S. Presidents have issued executive orders since 1789. Although there is no Constitutional provision or statute that explicitly permits executive orders, there is a vague grant of "executive power" given in Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution, and the statement "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed" in Article II, Section 3. Most executive orders are orders issued by the President to US executive officers to help direct their operation[citation needed], the consequence of failing to comply being removal from office.
It's not health care that needs reform, it's tort reform and caps on rewards that are needed.
Don't fall for the SCAM that Obama is trying to pull on will take years to undo the damage he is already causing. This bill will open the door to totally getting rid of democracy and creating a socialist dictatorship (Communism) as in community organization.
Don't you get it yet ? Obama is a communist and doesn't even know it.


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