Sunday, September 13, 2009

Obama's Army

ACORN, which has received over $8.5 billion of the "stimulus" cash represents itself as "non-partisan". Actually, it is made up of members of the Nation of Islam and other thugs, drug dealers, prostitutes and other criminals that are minorities.
Indictments and prosecutions are occurring all over the country for the tens of thousands of false voter registrations and votes perpetuated by ACORN in the last Presidential election. In reality, if we were to eliminate the false votes, Obama would not have won the Presidency.
ACORN is established in every major city (population over 500,000) in the country and is not only supportive of Obama but supports breaking the law for minorities.
As an example, Fox News just aired a video of a man and a woman posing as a prostitute and her pimp getting advice in an ACORN office in Washington, D.C. on how to get housing through ACORN in order to import young girls from Central America to be used for prostitution.
To see this video, go to Glenn Beck's home page and scroll down to the link about ACORN.
Why isn't ACORN being investigated as well as Obama's affiliation with them ? How is your $8.5 billion being spent by them and how did they qualify for it in the first place ? Obviously, it was a "payoff" for helping Obama get elected.
Don't you wonder why no other network (ABC, NBC or CBS) has aired this video ? They never air anything that might be anti-Obama, only tout his agenda. Fortunately, we have the Internet that in some cases, gives us the truth about what a scam this President and his appointees are pulling on us.
Kudos to Fox news for having the guts to air this exposure.
Within a block of almost every ACORN office, you can find the "local drug dealer". In many of their offices, we find prostitutes working and one office was closed down for being a "fence" for stolen goods.
When we look up ACORN on the Internet, we find "glowing" articles about them. That's because they wrote all of that mis-information. The truth is that ACORN is primarily a criminal organization funded with your tax dollars. Thank you again, Obama......


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