Saturday, September 12, 2009


Now that the country has been conned into this "health care" nonsense, we get to lose our insight as to what is really going on.
While Democrats and Republicans fight over bill # HR3200 (the health care bill), no individual has read through all the thousand plus pages and is dealing with some of the details in the bill that invade our privacy, control our savings, take away some of our freedoms, etc.
Let's face it. We already have a health care (or should I say SICK CARE plan) plan in effect. It's called Medicare. We are told that Medicare is going broke. Well, of course it's going broke. This is because;
(1) It was originally intended for those over 65, but now includes almost everyone (including the fraudulent and even some illegal aliens).
(2) If it was left alone, as a separate fund, it would still be very well funded. But NO, the gov't. has tapped the money that goes into Medicare (out of our paychecks) for other projects.
(3) There is very little control over the massive fraud that takes place in the Medicare program.

The uninsured and poor have a state program called Medicaid...which is also poorly run and froth with fraud.

The gov't. continually is changing the rules. Look at what they've done with our Social Security system. Originally (under F.D. Roosevelt) it was never to exceed 1% of a persons paycheck and was to be held in a separate fund, drawing 3 3/4% interest. When Congress saw how large this fund had grown, they moved it into the General Fund and used most of the money for other projects as well as increasing the deduction from your paycheck over the years until it is now over 6%. Did you know that NASA has always been paid for from Social Security money ?
If Congress had just left it alone as it was first set up, those that have contributed and are over 65 would be collecting almost four times what they are getting now. In addition, the fund would be so large that it could almost pay off the national debt.
Again, the gov't. has decided to screw with it by changing the rules again. A COLA (cost of living allowance) is built in to the payment that one gets. Obama has just suspended that for the next two years. You know that it will never come back now.

What moron wants the gov't. to run any plan for them ? Can you imagine how a gov't health care plan will ruin us ? The gov't. shows us that every other country in the industrialized world has a health care plan. What is not being told is that in every one of these countries, those plans are breaking the budgets and may soon be abandoned.

Obama is a neighborhood organizer and is trying to run this country as though it's his little local Chicago neighborhood. From the President, his appointees, the Cabinet, Congress and on down; the majority of these elected and appointed officials know little to nothing about running a country. The obvious proof of this is in how many and how large our (all solveable) problems are.

As a side note: Many M.D.s will retire or change professions if we get any sort of gov't. run health care program. Why would anyone want to spend all of those extra years of education to become an M.D. when the gov't. can cut their pay in half ???


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