Thursday, September 03, 2009

New heights...

Obama has taken his egomania to new heights today when he announced that he would be addressing our school children on the web and broadcasting to classrooms across the country next Tuesday. He will be asking our kids to pledge allegiance to him under the guise of asking them to do better in school.
This is disguised as a "pep rally" for the kids, exactly the same as was done by Hitler in organizing the Nazi youth in 1939.
Does he really think that children under 10 years old really know (or care) who he is ?
Why isn't he broadcasting this speech on TV so the parents of these children know what is being said?
Last week, in schools around the country, children were asked to write letters to Obama saying what they will do to support him.
Fortunately, parents across the nation are either insisting that his speech to the kids not be shown or they are keeping their children out of school next Tuesday.
As written at this time, Obama's speech is pure propaganda in organizing our youth to bother their parents with his agendas.
No President in the past has ever had this audacity to circumvent parents, teachers and the church in asking children to pledge their allegiance to him.
Videos are already being shown to our kids that show celebrities pledging their allegiance to Obama. He's trying to "brainwash" this next generation.
Every President has had agendas and programs that we've disagreed with; but none have tried to use our youth against us. Obama is not only the most dangerous President we've ever had but he is determined to destroy our democracy, "full speed ahead".
Call your PTA and school Principles and demand that the broadcast next Tuesday not be shown in your school(s). It's your job to talk to your kids about anything; not Obama's.
Does he think that he's God or something ? What is the matter with this man ? When are we going to have him removed from office ???


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