Friday, July 31, 2009

Gov't. programs...

Well, here we see another failure of one of Obama's programs. First of all, he LIED to us all when he said he would not meddle in the day-to-day transactions of the automakers. Then he put in an "incentive" program that gave up to $4500 to anyone trading in a "clunker" for a car that got better gas mileage. The deal was that your "clunker" had to get 18 mpg (or less) and the vehicle that you were buying had to get at least 2 mpg better than your "clunker".
One billion dollars was "set aside" for this program and it was to run through November.
After only four days, this program has been canceled.
Now the dragon rears its ugly head.......
(1) Dealerships all over the country have laid out huge amounts of money for expensive TV ads, newspaper inserts, etc. and can no longer comply with their ads.
(2) Of the 0ne billion dollars, only $175 million has been paid and dealers are not receiving the rest.
(3) Thousands of car buyers have flocked to their dealers to take advantage of this gov't. gift and have bought more cars than the billion dollars will cover.
(4) Since the program is now cancelled, those that aren't getting the $4500 will have to return their cars and now the dealer is stuck with what was originally a new car that can only be sold as "used".

If the gov't. can't administer a program this small; what do you think is going to happen if they institute Cap & Trade or "Obama Care" ?

I've listened to Obama's sales pitch; I've listened to Pelosi's sales pitch, and when presented with identical questions, they give different answers. We already know that Obama is a flat out LIAR, so is Pelosi telling the truth ? I'm afraid not.
Meanwhile, as Representatives and Senators are holding "town hall" meetings regarding Obama Care; instead of just a few dozen people showing up, hundreds of angry citizens (voters) are attending these meetings to vent their anger. In spite of the people being heard, the Democrats will force this bill through (with Cap & Trade attached to it) instead of carrying out the wishes of the very citizens that voted for them to be represented accordingly.
We no longer have a Democracy that works. We have a handfull of people (Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Reed, Frank, etc.) that are clueless on how to run a country and that have intimidated the Congress into becoming their "Yes men".
The United States of America is no longer run "for the people and by the people", but is being run (and ruined) by a dozen radical liberals.
Obama and his gang must be stopped or you can forget about the Constitution, your rights, your freedoms, your livelihood and your lifestyle.


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