Monday, July 06, 2009

Game time...

During the 70's, a game company put out a card game called "Nuclear War". In this game, one of the things that one did was to hide their true amount of warheads that they had.
Now, Obama is playing this game with the Russians. He's in Moscow trying to convince the Russians to scale back on the amount of nuclear warheads that they have.
Obama has promised to cut back our arsenal from 2,000 warheads to 1,500 if Russia will reduce theirs by 25%. What this means is that instead of being able to destroy the world 20 times over, we will only be able to destroy planet earth 15 times over.
First of all, do you really think the Russians will scale back ? Of course not.
Second, if you check the shipping logs of the contractors that built our nuclear warheads, you'll find that we really have 4,200 of them. Where are the other 2,200 hidden ?
What a ridiculous game this is. The only thing that's sane about this is that at least the United States and Russia are making a (feeble) attempt to cement strained relations with each other.
Of course, the world will not be any safer from nuclear war, regardless of how many warheads we claim to get rid of. If we do "get rid" of some nuclear warheads, where will they go ? Any warheads that we will no longer possess will end up in the arsenal of other countries (Japan, Israel, Great Britain, etc.).
In the meantime, the world is giving No. Korea and Iran all of the time that they need to develop their arsenal of these weapons and delivery systems.
Just like watching a chess game, we'll keep watching each counties "next move" in the "nuclear warhead game". The problem is that of all the players, Obama has the least expertise at this game and certainly won't "win".
Again, Obama will reduce the power and credibility of our country. None of you listened when we were told that of all the candidates, Obama had the least experience. Ironically, the most experienced person that actually had experience running a government (Alaska) was Palin.
So, even though this "nuclear warhead game" is not being televised on any game (sports) channel, let's keep watching to see how it all turns out. Place your bets now.....I'm betting that China and Russia are in the "playoffs" and the United States will have lost out, long before the game is over.
...and you fell for the con that Obama could be a great leader. The joke is on you now.


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