Sunday, July 26, 2009


I listened to President Obama's "press conference" the other night. Actually, it was the "Obama Show", carefully planned, choreographed and rehearsed.
The "reporters" that asked the pre-arraigned questions were all called on by first name and asked "questions" that would let President Obama go into a confusing and lengthy answer (he actually never answered a question completely).
As far as the "Urgency" of getting "Health Care Reform"; is this the same "Urgency" that was needed to pass the "Porkulus package" (that hasn't been implemented yet) ?
I can't understand why he is calling this "Health Care Reform". Why do we need to reform the best health care system in the world ? People from every country come to the United States for the quality and availability of our health care system.
The real wording of this reform should be "Medical Cost Reform" as that's what is costing us so much. Americans (per capita) spend more on their medical care than any other nation in the world today.
The real rush to push this Health Care Plan down our throats is so no one will have the chance to read it thoroughly and see that it not only gives the gov't. complete control over 1/6 of our economy, but can be modified every few years until the government has complete control over what we eat, where we go and what we do.
In addition, in Maine and Massachusetts already have a similar health care plan in effect that is financially "breaking" the states budgets as well as providing less care than the other states that have no health care plans.
How can Obama try to sell us on this health care plan when neither he nor anyone else knows exactly what's in it ? This is why all of his answers were either outright lies, non-truths or half-truths. As an example: Obama stated that AARP had endorsed the Health Care Reform Bill. I called AARP and a representative told me that AARP is merely in "agreement" on one (and only one) item in the bill dealing with prescription costs for the elderly. Other than that, they had no idea what else was in the bill and certainly aren't going to endorse or promote it without knowing its details.
...and that's where the plan falls the details. Notice that not a day goes by without something being added, deleted or changed in this bill. If it was so good for us why hasn't it been presented (in full) to the public ? I'm sure that every newspaper in the country would jump at the chance to print it on their front pages. You won't get to know about its details until you see more money taken out of your paycheck, until you go to your doctor and have to be scheduled weeks from now, when you are denied a procedure because of age, occupation or lifestyle.
To make matters worse, one thing that is still included in the plan is free breast implants and free abortions. Let's get in line for that................LOL

By the a side note; did you notice that when asked the only question not related to health care, Obama was lost without his teleprompter and screwed up ? Finally, everyone became aware that Obama is also black...


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