Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dog & Pony Show...

Obama is pressing so hard for this "Health Care Plan" to be accepted that he had AARP hold a Tele -Town Hall Meeting that I watched on the Internet.
Of course, this was in response to his outright lie during his press conference where he said that AARP endorsed his plan. I called AARP and they denied any endorsement.
First of all, the AARP Tele-Town Meeting was a show that was put on for the elderly. All questions were pre-selected as those were the only things in the "plan" that he was knowledgeable enough about. Every day, the "plan" keeps changing and is getting bigger (over 2,000 pages now).
Even Cap-Trade is being added to the backend of the "Heath Care Plan".
During the AARP Dog & Pony Show, Obama compared our medical care with other countries, saying that we spend $6,000/ year, per person, more than other countries. What he neglected to say was that those other countries have poorer health care and less of it.
He spoke of the government option plan which would compete with insurance companies. Since the government doesn't have to make a profit to stay in business, it would put private insurance companies out of the health care insurance business by drastically underpricing them.
Again he lied when he said that the "Health Care Plan" was similar to what Congress has for their medical coverage.
Even Obama's private physician has said that the proposed "Health Care Plan" falls short and is opposed to it.
If this plan is so good for all of us, then why such a "hard sell" ? All of the other legislation that Obama has PUSHED through so far hasn't had to be "sold" to the public. Even members of his own party (Democrats) are opposed to it. The rush to get it into law so quickly is so no one will be aware of the implications and consequences until it's too late. This really is about a never ending infringement into the government taking over 1/6th of our economy and being able to dictate our lifestyles.
Beware...Obama will tell every lie that he has to in order to placate anyone's objections.
Please, contact your representatives in Congress and express your concerns and objections.
I've written a letter with 33 signatures from my area and sent it to my representatives. A copy of that letter was sent to you this morning to use accordingly. Let's hear your voice TODAY !


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