Saturday, August 08, 2009

The truth is coming out.

By now, more and more (interested) Americans are starting to become aware of some of the provisions in this so called "Health Care" plan that Obama wants to shove up our asses.
First of all, it's not to go into effect until 2012; so what's the rush to get it done by the end of this year ? The rush is so we won't have enough time to read it all and digest what it means to all of us.
A lot of it is written so that after it's passed, it can then be interpreted to give the government complete control over euthanasia, what procedures would be allowed for senior citizens and chronically ill infants as well as forcing insurance companies to longer be profitable and shut down their health coverage divisions.
Obama has come forward to urge anyone that supports his plan to go out to the "town hall meetings" and shout down the protesters. The only violence at any of these meetings has come from Obama's clandestine army, ACORN, that has already beaten several citizens for shouting out their opinions or wearing anti-Obama pins.
Apparently, Obama believes that the only voices that should be heard are those that agree with him. This again is typical Chicago thug action. What has happened to our right of assembly, our right to free speech and the other freedoms that he is, or will soon be denying us ?
Fortunately, his approval ratings are finally sinking below 50%. Those that approve of his actions are either the minorities that voted for him, illegal aliens and the non-contributors to our economy.
Ask yourself, why is Congress and the other government officials exempt from this Health Care Reform ? Why wouldn't anyone in Congress want us to have the same plan that they're covered under ? If this plan is so good for us, why are we being told lies about it ?
If you read it, you'll find out over 100 reasons why it affects you negatively. Every country that has national health care is going broke because of it and they are rationing services and care as well as constantly raising taxes to pay for their plans.
Most important; do you really want the government running any program, since they screw up everything that they run as well as making it more and more costly ? They're already starting to shut down libraries, post offices, some public schools, etc. Can you name even one government run program that has ever been run efficiently ?
So, if you want your elderly parents (and you, when you become a senior citizen) denied health care instead of "end of life counseling" as the plan calls for) or your chronically ill children to be given medication instead of treatment, then be supportive of one of the worst pieces of legislation to ever be proposed by our government.
Just to give you an example of how absurd this plan is, it covers EVERYONE including illegal aliens, foreign visitors that come here for medical treatment, and even some non-citizen relatives of people that have immigrated here but their relatives are still living in another country and are citizens of that foreign country.
How long do you think this "reform" will last before it breaks our economy and you're denied some treatment because of age, lifestyle or some other arbitrary decision ?


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