Saturday, August 29, 2009

Changing the rules...

Just to show you how our government makes laws and rules for us and then reneges or changes them, our Social Security system is a perfect example.
Not only has Obama declared that there will be no cost of living raise for Social Security recipients for the next two years, but is raising the premium that is deducted for your prescription coverage.
This means that everyone that is receiving a Social Security check and has also subscribed to the governments prescription coverage will be getting a smaller check.
See, when Social Security first started, the rules were that (1) it was never to exceed more than
1 1/2 % of your paycheck, and (2) the money was to be put in a separate fund, drawing 3 1/2 % interest. Well, more than 7% of your paycheck is now deducted and the Social Security fund collects NO interest because it no longer exists. The original, separate fund has since been put into the "general fund" and has been spent on various things such as the space program.
If it was just left alone and the rules weren't changed, not only would it be so large by now that it would not be in danger of going broke, but everyone would be getting almost double of what they receive now.
This is just the "tip of the iceberg". Obama has just signed a budget that is larger than all previous budgets put together and has to find some way to cover this huge debt. Obviously, your taxes will be raised and many of your deductions will be eliminated.
Remember, you voted for this guy that had no experience , without your looking into who he really was. Even as you read this, what do you actually know about Obama ?
Were stuck with this egomaniac for another 3+ years and you will be losing more freedoms and you will have your income and opportunities become smaller and more limited.
He is changing every rule he puts his hands on; and at your expense. He is printing money (backed by nothing) at such a fast rate that our dollar is becoming worth less and less daily.
So, what are you going to do about it ? Probably nothing, as your way of life goes down the toilet.
Obama must be recalled and a new President put in his place. He is destroying everything that you and our forebearers have worked for in creating the greatest country in the world.


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