Monday, August 17, 2009

Worth noting...

As an example of how well our government programs work, just look at the most recent "Cash for Clunkers" program.
In the first four days of this program, it ran out of money. Congress then added another two billion dollars to keep it going. The problem is that as of today (8/17/09), less than 1% of the car dealers that are participating in this program have been reimbursed. To add insult to injury, over 80% of the applications for reimbursement have been rejected (mostly for some small error or omission).

On another note; the Canadian Medical Association is meeting to figure out how to make their health care system work better. It finally comes out that the Canadian system is a huge failure and financial drain on everyone. France has had the very system that Obama wants and is ready to "scrap" it because it is bleeding the country dry in expense without giving good health care.

We don't have a health care problem. People come from all over the world because we have the VERY BEST health care. What we have is a "cost" of health care problem.
All uninsured are already receiving optimal health care already, at emergency rooms and clinics all over the country.
The only people that are affected by not having insurance are those that can afford it but refuse to buy it. Everyone one else is either covered or has insurance.
As an example, if I didn't have my own private medical insurance, I would still get the same care by just going to the local hospital. Of course I wouldn't be "first in line", but would still receive the same care.

Please do your part.......get rid of all of Congress as they come up for re-election; and get the government out of our business by making them adhere to the Constitution.
Obama is in total disregard of the Constitution and will eventually make it irrelevant.


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