Monday, September 07, 2009

Employment truths...

As this "recession" that we're in goes on, there is a major change taking place in the labor market.
(1) Most companies are becoming aware that they can have just as much productivity with less workers and shorter hours. This means that they can cut back on full time workers and their benefits as well as cut back on management positions.
(2) Education isn't the only prerequisite for employment. One needs the experience and skills required, also. Why would an employer hire a person fresh out of school when he can hire an experienced veteran of his industry (for less) ?
(3)The "stimulus package" has money in it for "re-education" but it not only hasn't been released, but it is restrictive as to how much training one can get and in what areas. Again, thank you bama.
(4) The majority of white collar workers will become re-employed as blue collar workers; thus getting us closer to becoming a third world economy.
(5)College graduates stand very little chance of becoming gainfully employed and High School graduates can forget about even getting a job slinging hamburgers. Men with Master's degrees are delivering pizzas.

On the bright side; skilled and experienced laborers are becoming in great demand. Of course this only includes the absolute most skilled with the most amount of experience. An employer doesn't need to hire a newbie or trainee when he can get a professional for the same wages.
In the meantime, our government is pissing away our futures, our children's futures and our opportunities while they earn more taxpaid salaries, become richer with their "side deals" and no longer represent those that elected them while they ignore our Constitution. If the gov't. didn't meddle with our economy, we'd be climbing out of this downward spiral with every business being stronger than before. Of course, several large companies would fail...only because they were supposed to. Without the gov't. in our way, efficiently run companies could prosper.


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