Friday, September 04, 2009

Stimulus package is working.

Vice President Biden said that the "stimulus package" is working better than he expected.
What I want to know is; what did he exactly expect ?
So far, only 374 new jobs have been created. These are 34 new Czars (at $170,000/ year, each) with 10 aides each. All of these are appointments by President Obama, without any Congressional approval and are mostly his "buddies" from ACORN (his private army).
Meanwhile, the number of unemployed keeps growing. Washington tells us that the number of unemployed is declining. That's true depending on how you look at these numbers.
If you have 10,000 people claiming unemployment benefits this month and only 9,000 are added next month, then Washington says the number is declining. The truth is that you now have 19,000...the actual number has gone up.
No one that has become unemployed during the "stimulus package era" has become re-employed, and those whose unemployment has run out or are not eligible for unemployment benefits are not counted in these unemployment figures.
A more accurate count by independent groups, places our unemployed at nearly 20%; which is more than double the numbers that the White House is telling us.
Is Biden a fool or just plain stupid ?
At what point do you stop listening to these lies that we're being told and you do something about it ???


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