Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Who is running my country ???

When Obama was elected as President of the United States of America, I thought that he was going to be in charge of running this country. How long after inauguration does a President begin to do what he's paid to do ?
All that I see Obama doing is going to foreign countries to make speeches, apologizing for America or running around this country making more speeches to push one agenda or another. As an example, just today he was making a speech to Olympians and the Olympic Committee to have the next Olympics in (of course) Chicago. What does that have to do with being the President ?
All that I've seen since Obama has been in office is that:
(1) our economy has fallen farther (in spite of the bulls__t coming out of Washington that the recession is over.
(2) our country has become the most divided it has ever been over health care, security, racial issues, freedoms, etc.
(3) our country rapidly moving away from the last bits of democracy that it still has.
(4) there is a great shift in wealth from the producers to the non-producers.
(5) our country is farther in debt in the last eight months that in all of the previous 50 years.
(6) Obama is only interested in having "rock star" status and making speeches.
When is Obama going to step up to the task of being President ? I don't think he ever will because he's only a "community organizer" that has no qualifications to be in any level of government.
Sign all petitions requesting a RECALL of Obama and a new election for President.


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