Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The United Nations speech...

President Obama made a speech today to the world, at the meeting of the United Nations.
First of all, the United States "foots" 80% of the bill for this organization that is comprised mostly of countries that are either our outright enemy or those that just don't like us. I've been screaming for us to not only get out of the U.N., but to convert that building they use on Manhattan Island into low cost housing for added income to New York City.
As I listened to Obama's speech, I felt so betrayed by my President that I could have cried.
He started off by (again) apologizing to the world for how terrible the United States has been. He then went on to say that we (the United States) would no longer seek to be a world power (economically, militarily, culturally, etc.). This "blew me away". I have always thought that the United States of America was the greatest country in the world (even during the worst of times).
Now, my President tells me and the rest of the world that "it's over".
Being the communist that he is, Obama told the U.N. that we should all be equals with no country better off than another in any way.
Until today, I thought that America's great threats were terrorism from Al Quada, atomic attack from No. Korea, mass assassinations from drug cartels and of course the ignorance of the American public. As of today, I realize that Obama, Pelosi. Reid, Frank, etc. are the GREATEST threat to our nation, our future and our way of life.
Obama spoke to the U.N. as though he was "King of the World" and was telling them how to operate. He totally "threw Israel under the bus" in this speech. This ego-maniac (Obama) is not only destroying our country from within, he is now going outside to have the rest of the world help him.
When are you all going to WAKE UP and see what's really going on ??? As long as we let him remain in office (with the administration that he has), not only will you lose your dreams and desires but your children and their children have a very bleak future with no opportunities available.
As I write this, members of our Democratic Congress are quietly discussing Obama's next attack on the insurance industry and then to "nationalize" those enormous pension funds. If he takes control of our pensions, you will still get paid; but only on a "as needed" stipend.
STOP OBAMA before it's too late (if it isn't already). He must be RECALLED from office, NOW !


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