Thursday, October 22, 2009

What you're worth ???

What nonsense; the "Pay Czar" Has decided that the top executives of the companies that received TARP money be given a 90% pay cut, and not to exceed $500,000/ yr. salary.
I know, you don't think anyone is worth that kind of money. You've been conditioned to resent anyone making more than you.
First of all, what's it your business what anyone gets paid.
Second, everyone gets paid what their employer thinks they're worth. If you think that you're worth more than you're paid now; ask your boss for a raise or go get a job where they'll pay you what you "think" that you're worth.
The other argument is that the gov't. has the right to dictate salaries to companies that they loaned money to. Normally, that might be true except for the fact that none of these companies asked for that money and some of them didn't even need it. They were FORCED to take it and when some of them tried to immediately tried to give it back, they were denied that privilege.
The bottom line is that the Obama administration is attacking every level of our freedoms. This President and his Democratic Congress are power hungry.
By the way, who is running our country ? Since Obama is always running around traveling to wherever he can get another photo op, our country is in the hands of incompetents that have no experience at running a business let alone a country.
During the entire eight years of the Bush administration, our debt increased 8.2% (gov't. figures).
Now, after only nine months, the present administration has run our debt up another 19.4%.
Is it any wonder, with the printing presses running full time to crank out worthless dollars that the rest of the world no longer wants our dollars ? It's just a matter of time until Europe and the oil producing countries will no longer accept U.S. currency. The only way out of this is rampant inflation and a massive recession. Then it will be followed by a revolution. Several states are trying to figure out how to disassociate themselves from the United States. Alaska and Texas have the right to secede from the "union" and are already printing their own money and forming a pseudo gov't. ready to step in should they secede.
Are you still too blind (or stupid) to still believe anything that Obama says ? If you still are supporting this administration, then either you're a non-producer or just dumb.


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