Saturday, November 07, 2009

Vote until you get it right

Hasn't anyone in Congress caught on to the scam that's being run on all of us ?
Pelosi will keep counting the votes from Congress for as many times that it takes until she gets the amount needed to pass the Health Care bill.
In all polls, the majority of the people DO NOT WANT this bill. I've watched issues at election time be voted down only to come up next time and the time after that until finally it was voted in.
If Congress was doing its job, a vote would have taken place months ago and the bill would now be history.
Why is Congress letting this evil woman get away with this scam ? She is actually more dangerous than Obama... she knows what she's doing. On the other hand, Obama is just a puppet being led around by the nose and only told what the people really running this country tell him.
There are far more important issues that require Congress's attention...
the economy
the war in the middle east
national security name a few.
If our Congress is so stupid that they'll let Pelosi get away with this scam, they ALL need to be voted out of office at the first opportunity. I would be willing to vote for a monkey if he was running against an incumbent rather than let our Congress continue with the people that are there now. A Congress made up of monkeys certainly wouldn't do as much damage as the present Congress can (and will).
Do you understand why someone wants to be a Representative or Senator ? No matter how poor one is when elected to either of these positions, by the time they leave office, they are millionaires. The corruption is rampant. If they vote for a particular lobbyists agenda, they get huge perks and a high paying job after they leave the government.
Nancy Pelosi's net worth is in excess of $47 million, as an example.
Obama's 2008 1040 showed that he had a (declared) income of $2,656,902.
As the unemployed, the poor, even the struggling middle class wonders how they're going to get by, our Congress, the President, Vice President, their Cabinet, etc. are accumulating vast fortunes while they're telling the rest of us how much we should earn.
This is not what our founding Fathers had in mind when they formed this country. In addition, political correctness was not part of their plan either.


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