Saturday, November 07, 2009

The absurdity of it all...

I keep hearing about the scarcity of the N1H1 flu vaccine.
Again, this is our inept government at work.
There are only four places that manufacture the various flu vaccines. Three of them are in Europe. During the Bush administration, President Bush had an additional facility built in this country to be assured of the quality and quantity available to Americans should an emergency arise.
Not only did the Obama administration declare (for political purposes) the N1H1 virus an emergency, he waited for several months before he opened the facility in this country.
To add insult to injury, one reason for the shortage of the vaccine was that the first batch went to the muslim prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. The next batches went to the prisons all around the country. Then, after all of the criminals were vaccinated did it become available to health care workers. Finally, the next batches became available to the public.
The majority of the vaccine being manufactured overseas is not coming to this country, but being distributed throughout Europe and Asia. This is the reason that President Bush had a vaccine manufacturing facility built right here.
The vaccine shortage (as most shortages) is created by the government. If you can't get your N1H1 flu shot, blame Obama. He can't seem to do anything right.
He must be RECALLED.....we need a person that's not running around the world bowing and apologizing for America, but one that stays in Washington and doing his job. Although, even if Obama's handlers kept him in Washington, he still hasn't a clue about running this country (for the good of the people).


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