Monday, October 26, 2009

Liesure time

I'm so happy that our President is setting a good example for all of those that have become unemployed during his time in office. Rather than being in the White House, doing the job that we elected him to do, he prefers to play basketball, play golf (24 rounds in 9 months), throw parties, campaign for Congressmen in other states, etc.
At least he is being empathetic by not working, to be seen as "one of the people".
After all, he is a celebrity...every picture you see of him is either he alone or with his family, enjoying themselves (at our expense).
Being that Obama is not doing his job and is rarely in the White House; why don't we close it up and thus save millions of dollars which can be put toward paying down our debt ?
You hardly ever see him in his office or meeting with the people really running this country.
Of course, we can't mention his wife's extravagance in shopping sprees and elaborate parties that she throws. I guess she's helping the economy by all this wasteful spending of our tax dollars.
It has occurred to me that he already is tired of running this country and has his sights on running the world by being elected to being "Supreme Leader" of the U.N.
Obviously, after all the times that I've asked you to do something to stop him, you've chosen to do nothing. You therefore can't complain when your taxes go up, your opportunities go away, your freedoms disappear and your country becomes impoverished.
Every member of our government (from local to federal) must be voted out of office before they can bring us to the point of revolution.
The only real thing that has been done by this administration is the separation of the political parties, the races and the minimizing of the middle class.
The big issues are:
The war in the Middle East - either win it or get out.
Illegal aliens - enforce our laws or make Spanish our national language.
Health care reform - our health care is fine, health insurance is what needs reform.
Unemployment - get out of our business and let the public sector recover itself.
National security - build and use the most powerful military on the planet.
Global warming - it's happening anyway, nothing you can do to stop's part of nature.
Our debt - pay it down instead of giving away money in foreign aid and to special interest groups (like ACORN).
The Constitution - honor it and stop violating it.
In between his (Obama) non-Presidential time, he is ruining everything that we have worked for. Those that still support this administration deserve what they get....unemployment, loss of freedom, poverty, gov't. dictating how you will live and a civil war.
The damage is still reversible, but not for much longer. Do something about it TODAY or give up everything you have.


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