Thursday, November 26, 2009

Illegal alien problem.

Apparently, this illegal alien problem isn't just recent. It all started when the Natives of this continent allowed the Pilgrims to sneak upon their shores and set up a settlement. They (the Indians) never asked the Pilgrims to leave...and you know the rest of the story.
This country has tolerated illegal entry and residence as far back as one can remember.

A perfect example of an illegal alien that everyone knows and has been in this country since 1938 without ever applying for citizenship but is revered by all, was born in 1932 and illegally entered this country in 1938, unchallenged. His name was changed from Kal-El to a more "American" sounding name and he was educated in our free schools through high school.
Without any further education or credentials, he then became employed by a major newspaper in one of America's largest cities and NEVER sought to be a citizen of the country that afforded him these opportunities.
I think that he should be made an example of and deported immediately. If we're going to do something about our illegal alien problem; start with the most famous.
You might know him as Clark Kent or maybe even Superman.


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