Sunday, November 22, 2009

Watch closely...

Well, as we all went about our weekend, not paying attention to what was conspiring in Washington, the Senate OK'd their Health Care Bill to be voted on. At the last minute on Saturday night, the last holdout for the 60 votes needed was Senator Mary Landrieu, a Democrat from Louisiana.
In order to get her vote, she was promised an additional $100 million for Medicaid for her state.
So, first we had Representatives being bought with hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars for their districts to get the votes that Pelosi needed. Now we see the same bribery going on in the Senate.
To add "insult to injury", the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force, a panel of non-medical people (they are not doctors, oncologists or experts of any kind), declared that women don't need breast exams until age 50. The medical community is outraged because between age 40 to 50 is when breast cancers grow the fastest. This recommendation is being included in the list of approved medical exams that will be paid for under the Health Care Reform. Ask any oncologist when breast exams should start and none of them will say at 50.
The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force says that the cost savings by moving the age up to 50 will more than compensate for the additional lives that will be lost. Can you as a woman, a husband or the father of a daughter tolerate this ?
Congress is already planning the RATIONING of health care even before their expensive bill becomes law.
Additionally, the new bill will not only NOT cover everyone, it will be financed by massive cuts in Medicare, raised insurance premiums and increased taxes.
So, to summarize...the Heath Care Reform that Congress is trying to shove down our throats will cost us more and cover less.
Again, we see how inept our Congress is. They are "hell-bent" on passing a Health Care Reform bill regardless of who gets hurt by it. Remember, you voted for those people.....this is your fault, without any doubt. You can do something about it by writing, calling, e-mailing and organizing protests to let your Representatives and Senators know that their careers hinge on how they vote for this 2,000+ page bill that no one has read.


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