Sunday, December 27, 2009

Wild horses...

Your tax dollars at work.
Another non-elected, Obama appointee, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, who oversees the Bureau of Land Management has decided to roundup and slaughter over 3,000 wild horses.
These horses are not destroying the land and are not in danger of starvation. After the roundup, cattle will be allowed to graze and strip the sensitive environment.

President Obama has turned a "blind eye" to the fact that this roundup violates the Wild Free Roaming Horse and Burro Act, which Congress passed in 1971 to protect wild horses and burros as "living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West."

The roundups are done in secret, even though the BLM says that you can apply for a permit to watch. The way they get around this is by doing the roundup on private lands and therefore need not issue permits to watch. The roundups are done with helicopters and most of the horses are traumatized or die.
At the BLM website, they lie about how and why these roundups take place. Every animal rights organization has contacted the White House and have been snubbed.
I guess that Obama can claim this as "job creation". Aren't you glad that with all the debt that this administration is mounting, that we have enough taxpayer money to kill innocent horses in the wild. What the hell is the matter with this administration ?
This is just another one, out of hundreds of examples where Obama is permitting the violation of laws and the Constitution to continue his wasteful and unnecessary spending.
Where does this all end ? I'll tell you when......once we're broke. Watch your taxes go up in order to pay for things like this and the extravagant parties at the White House, etc.
You don't have to be a person that likes horses to understand this cruelty and wastefulness.


At 12:18 PM, Blogger Cathy Ritlaw said...

The BLM is out of control, violating the law and NO ONE IN OFFICE SEEMS TO CARE! I have 5 rescued mustangs and burros and two more abused mustangs on their way to my sanctuary. They should be left in the wild. Get rid of the cows, which outnumber the horses by 200 to one. Catherine Ritlaw http://www/


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