Friday, December 11, 2009


I've always made several assumptions about poverty that included things like, "poor people don't have a chance" and "poor people never had an opportunity" to "the poor can be helped".
Over the years, I've had the opportunity to know many poor people and listen to their "tales of woe".
It just occurred to me that POVERTY is a mental attitude.
The folks that grew up poor, but never knew it, usually went on to get educated and became successful. On the other hand, those that know that they're poor, just accept it and do little to nothing on their own to free themselves of poverty.
Of course, there are exceptions to this that one could use to argue the point.
However, go out in your community and ask a poor person what it would take for them to be better off...Almost every time, they'll tell you what someone else has to do for them.
A Test that I used in hiring was to give the person an impossible task and leave them to figure it out. After about a half an hour, I would return and ask why the task wasn't done.
Those that told me why they couldn't do it were let go; those that told me what they needed to complete the task , were hired.
That's the difference... Those that stay poor tell you why they're poor. Those that climb out of poverty have sought out the tools (education, change of environment, etc.) to no longer be poor.
So, next time you see a poor person, be very clear that they are responsible for their condition.
This all may sound "cold and heartless", but it's the truth.


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