Monday, December 28, 2009

How safe am I ???

After the 9-11 attack, we were protected and there were no more muslim attacks in this country.
That is, until this administration. In this past year, we've had three (3), yes I said THREE attacks in our homeland.
Could this be because Obama is a muslim and sympathetic with the islamic agenda ? In his book, "The Audacity of Hope", he is quoted as saying, "When push comes to shove, I have to side with the muslims".
When Bush was told about the 9-11 attack, he was jumped on by the media for taking over an hour before he spoke to the people. Here it is, three days later and Obama has not come forward to speak with us about this most recent attack; and the press remains quiet. This is just more evidence of Obama's poor (if any) leadership. My country needs a President, not a weak little community organizer.
Why is it improper to use the words "terrorist", "war on terror", "islamist" anywhere in Washington ? Why are muslim training camps being permitted to exist in this country ?
I just noticed that not since 1974 has there been a hijacking or bomb threat of any planes going to or coming from Israel. Why is that ? The reason is that the Israeli's know that this is a matter of life and death. In this country, we use technology to look for threats because technology can't be sued for discrimination. In Israel, they don't give a damn about political correctness. Anyone that might even seem to be suspect is pulled out of line, especially muslims.
Until we get rid of Obama, you are not safe from chemical, biological or explosive attacks in this country. When are we going to have a national recall for an incompetent President ?
Obama (and his followers) keep saying that he "inherited" this mess. Well, the truth is that he has not only created new messes, but made the one's that he "inherited" even worse.
His appointee for National Security was speechless when asked what to do now, about this recent attack. Even his appointees are incompetent. We have already seen how his staff runs the White House; Chicago mob rule. And they can't even get it right, letting people in that haven't been cleared or invited. I thought that airport security was minimal until I see that White House security is a joke. It then dawned on me that Obama needs no security because he's a muslim sympathizer and supporter.
C'mon, people, WAKE UP and smell the country crumbling before your eyes...


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