Monday, December 28, 2009


Can someone explain something to me ?
I always thought that when a country went to war, they did so to WIN that war, not just for "the heck of it".
Since we are a very war loving nation, and we have self appointed ourselves as the World's Policemen, we have never been in one kind of war or another during my lifetime. If it wasn't a shooting war, then it was a cold war, or we were advising and supplying someone else's war.
Obviously, we've lost the mindset to win a war. You may not remember Korea or Viet Nam, but these are wars where we lost tens of thousands of lives for nothing.
Now we are engaged in a war in the Middle East.
First, we "clobbered" Iraq; only to leave troops there to rebuild it at our expense. Now we're in Afghanistan and seem to have made a little progress there. Apparently, our enemy is the Taliban and Al Quada. Then why are they getting larger and stronger as we lose more and more lives over there ?
As we borrow more money and commit more lives to this present war, it occurs to me that we have no intention of winning this war.
Some examples of this are:
(1) Not letting experienced Generals run the war, but instead, politicians, some of whom have never been to war, are making the policies and decisions on how this war should be fought.
(2) We're always striving to be "the good guys". How good can we look when all the people over there see are Americans blowing up their property and killing them ?
(3) When more troops are requested, it took almost a year before a "political" decision was made; and even then, the number requested was decreased.
(4) We know where the enemy is but don't go after them because of "Political Correctness".
We have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan while the enemy is secure in Pakistan. Our Generals know where, when and how to destroy the enemy. They are stopped by the White House because our pretender President would rather continue to lose American lives and create great debt while "trying" to "talk to the enemy". Not only has Obama proven that he's incompetent in global matters (see various summits around the world that he's been to), but he wants to "talk" to an enemy that has no intention of stopping or even slowing down.
Obama promised to protect us from enemies, both foreign and domestic. So far he is failing miserably. His pro muslim leanings have let muslims set up and operate anti American training camps throughout the United States while Obama throws parties, flies to other countries (for undeserved awards), gaining more disrespect than any President before him.
If I'm wrong...please set me straight on this war issue. If I'm right, then why don't we get out of the "war business" and leave it to others ?
I'm proud and lucky to be born in the United States. However, recently, I've come to fear my government as well as muslims.


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