Thursday, January 14, 2010


I think that it's wonderful that the United States is able to respond immediately with aid to the natural disaster that occurred in Haiti. Besides being the policemen of the world, we are the rescuer of the world.

The biggest problems that I have with this are:
(1) Where are the other nations ??? Where is aid from Russia, China, France, Germany, OPEC, etc. ???
(2) All of this aid is being supplied with "borrowed money"; increasing our debt to China.
(2) Obama's statement, "What are we doing and why aren't we doing more?", before he even knew what we were doing.

Now don't get me wrong; I'm totally in agreement that we should help those poor people in Haiti, and as soon as we can, with as much as we can. I'm just so divided over why we (the United States) have to take on every problem that the world has as we go broke feeding people, fighting their wars, giving medical aid on every continent, and giving huge amounts of money to countries that don't even need it. Where is the United Nations ? Why should we be going broke while other nations just sit back laughing at us ?
I, personally have made a cash donation to help in Haiti, but don't expect others to do the same...but that was my individual choice. When does the rest of the world start taking responsibility for their fellow humans ?


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