Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Health Care Reform ???

Obama is out running around the country "trying" to convince people that his "Health Care Reform" plan is necessary. His approach is to "bad mouth" and condemn anyone, organization or industry that disagrees with him or exposes his omissions and lies.
He tells us that it will cut costs. He doesn't say how, except by taking money from Medicare to help pay for it and increasing taxes. Bottom line is what difference does it make if you pay for it out of your left pocket or your right one ?
I went to a large hospital to find out why medical costs are rising.
The answers were as follows:
(1) Medicare has cut back on how much they will now pay for procedures and exams.
(2) 22%-24% of the hospital costs go to service non-paying illegal aliens. This difference has to be made up somewhere in order for the hospital to stay open.
(3) As medical technology increases, so do the costs of this technology. X-ray equipment, MRI machines, new surgical tools, etc. all cost a lot of money and the hospital has to take in enough to pay for their equipment and skilled staff.
(4) The premiums on mal-practice insurance is EXTREMELY high.
Is it any wonder that fewer Americans are going to medical school these days ? Chances are that the doctor(s) that see you are from some other country. Why would anyone spend all of those years studying medicine and at great monetary expense, to end up working for a hospital or HMO where their income was restricted and their insurance and equipment costs were astronomical ?
When I was young, becoming an M.D. was not only prestigious, but was monetarily, very rewarding. That is no longer true.
The last thing we need is even more government interference in one of the best (and yes, overpriced) medical systems in the world.
Q. Why do drugs cost us more in the United States than anywhere else in the world and Congress has made it illegal for us to buy them from another country ?
A. Your Representative has gotten huge campaign contributions from the drug companies to vote for keeping prices high in the United States.
Q. Why is mal-practice insurance so costly ?
A. Because incompetent doctors are permitted to keep practicing. Another lobby of the medical industry to keep Congress from doing anything about it with more large campaign contributions.
Q. Why is Obama "hell bent"on shoving his "plan" down our throats ?
A. Because he doesn't care that most of America is against it and his ego is on the line.
Not only doesn't he see the "big picture", but he has no concept on how to govern.
After all, he was a "community organizer" for a failed organization.
You know when he's lieing to you...his lips are moving. Thank goodness that as corrupt as they may be, the Republicans are at least listening to America.


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