Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Come fly with me....

As you know, members of Congress fly a lot. They go back and forth from their states to Washington, go on election campaigns, go on "junkets", go to foreign countries and even go on vacations by plane.
In most cases (and especially those for personal use), they fly on commercial airlines at either their own expense or at a reduced rate.
Not so for Nancy Pelosi. I just found out that last month, she crossed the $2 million mark in using Air Force planes to fly not only herself around but to fly her children and grand children on vacations and other events.
The $2 million does not include the food, drinks and booze that was also supplied on these flights.
She travels exclusively on an Air Force 747, so that she has all the amenities provided to first class fliers on commercial flights.
Bear in mind that Pelosi is;
(1) Hell bent on ramming Health Care down our throats
(2) Is using your tax dollars for her personal use.
(3) Is third in line for the Presidency
(4) Has always had a poorly thought out agenda
and as an added note, is downright evil and ugly.
Notice how she never really answers a question with the appropriate answer, but chooses to either lie or "skirt" about the question.
This is just a commentary to let you know who is wasting your tax dollars and on what.


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