Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lessons learned and not learned...

Lessons learned...
A lesson that our Congress has taught to business is "to spend it all".
In the business sector, it is common practice to spend every cent of a departments budget each year or they might not get that much next year.
Regardless of what party one is in (Democrat or Republican), that is how Congress works.
As an example; The leading pork spender in the House (Barney Frank, Democrat of Mass.) and the leading pork spender in the Senate (Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Republican of Tex.) both have been heard to say, "If I don't spend it, someone else I might as well get all I can..."

Lessons NOT learned...
A lesson that our present administration has not learned is that the best way to improve the economy is by lowering taxes, NOT RAISING THEM.
Since this administration has borrowed us into astronomical debt to fund ridiculous programs and increase the size of government, this country is broke. To alleviate this problem, this administration is about to raise all of our taxes. They will be sneaky about it and tell us lies. The truth is that by letting the Bush tax cuts expire next year, that will be a tax raise. Obama will use the "wealth envy" ploy to convince us that only the wealthy will be additionally taxed. That will be a lie.
The truth is that by having taxes go up in any segment of the population, will cause more unemployment as well as more inflation.

This administration sees the damage that previous administrations (from the 40's to date) have done to this country and realize that we are at that point where a "final blow" to our economy and freedoms will collapse this nation irreparably.
Since your Representatives no longer read your letters and e-mails, the time has come for everyone to march on Washington and physically remove all members of our present day government and immediately replace them with people that will honor our Constitution to bring us back to being the wealthiest, brightest, healthiest, most productive and powerful nation on earth.


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