Thursday, February 11, 2010

No Need for a Military

I've always understood that our Constitution allows Congress "to raise and support Armies..." (Art.1, sec.8). I see the wisdom of a nation as great as ours having a well established military. We have an enormous budget, dedicated to maintaining our military.
When we're engaged in a military action (right or wrong), isn't the objective to become the victor of that action ? Why then has our government restricted our ability to prevail in any military action ?
The present rules are:
We can only shoot back when shot at, if no civilians are present.
We must be attacked first.
We must give all prisoners their Miranda rights.
We must treat all of the enemy with respect and dignity.
...and the list goes on.
In the Middle East military action taking place today, we have no chance of ever succeeding as long as our troops are restricted from taking the appropriate action(s) required to beat the enemy. I ask, then why do we even need this waste of money and American lives if we have no intention of winning a conflict ?
Obviously, we really don't need a military; and that expense could be used to pay down our debt.
In WWII, our President let the experts (the commanding Generals) fight the war, not armchair warriors in Washington. That is why we were victorious in both Europe and the Orient. There was no political correctness in those days. Even here at home, we incarcerated all Japanese and Germans on our soil. The German population ran into Canada so not much is mentioned about their arrests.
The attached is what every nation except the United States goes by when they're engaged in a military conflict.


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