Monday, March 29, 2010

The signing...

Whenever we have to sign a paper, whether it be a contract, a receipt, or whatever, we'll first READ what we're signing. Most of the time, we end up signing something that we totally understand. However, if you were handed a 2000+ page document and asked to sign it, you'd probably either read it and ask a lot of questions or give it to an attorney to read for you.
I ask then; why did Obama sign this Health Care Bill without reading it and knowing everything that's in it ? His signature made it the "Law of the Land".
When the head of Health, Education & Welfare was asked about certain items in this bill, she said that she hadn't read it yet but that anything that might have been left out could be added by a Presidential Executive Order. Doesn't that sound like a Monarchy to you ?
Why hasn't an issue this large been presented to the people to vote on ? I'm pleased that it is just a law and can be repealed. It could have NEVER made it as an amendment to the Constitution because it's unConstitutional. The bill forces people to purchase a product or service that they may not want or might not be able to afford.
The Health Care Bill contains items that have absolutely nothing to do with health.
Provisions are made for specific wage earners, specific communities and states and specific industries.
Why is everyone in Congress exempt from this "law" ? If it's good enough for us, why isn't it good enough for them ? Why have over 75% of the people (according to over 30 credible polls) been against it ? Why does Obama have to go "on tour" to try and convince us that it's a good thing ? He doesn't even know what's in it...
The worst part of this is, how are we going to afford it ? They think that by adding taxes and depleting existing programs like Social Security and Medicare that will solve the problem.
By now, you must be clear that this administration has their heads up their asses.
I urge every one of you to go to the voting booth in November and vote out everyone in office. I don't care if they're replaced with monkeys. Monkeys can't hurt us as badly as the existing government has and will continue to.
Believe me, "you ain't seen nuthin yet". Just look at the most recent deal from the White House; to be politically correct, Obama has agreed with Russia (as though we can trust them) to give up part of our nuclear arsenal. Super Stupid.
What will he do next to either put us in jeopardy or the poor house ? If you leave these people in office, you will end up broke and easy prey for any country that wants to attack us.
Do your part, today and every day until those conniving, unscrupulous, arrogant bastards are retired.........................


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