Thursday, April 29, 2010

Is this the last straw ???

I can't believe that our representatives are playing politics on such a sensitive matter as dealing with illegal aliens.
Today, the Democrats in the Senate, proposed a bill that would guarantee all illegal aliens their jobs and that after one year, "they could" apply for citizenship .
Then, after he Republicans said that they'd having nothing to do with this as it was amnesty concealed as immigration reform; the Democrats accused them of holding up immigration reform.
All of this is "children in the playground". The Democrats are so afraid of not being re-elected that they want to get the Hispanic vote by making as many illegals into voters.
Bottom line is...ILLEGAL is illegal. If you or I break a law, we're penalized. If an illegal breaks a law they are not penalized, and in some cases, rewarded at the expense of the taxpayer. You murder someone, you go to jail or are illegal murders someone and they are deported, enabling them to illegally return again.
Who is running the "asylum" ? Obviously, Obama, his cronies, ACORN and the Democrats must have a vested interest in turning over America to the horde of illegals that keep coming here every day for the welfare, free food, untaxed income, and virtually no responsibility to anyone. They are not required to get driver's licenses or auto insurance. Yet when they cause an accident and even kill someone, they are represented for free and usually get no jail or other penalty.
If you're not fed up with this by now, then you must be a liberal Democrat that is not interested in making America better, but, hell-bent on its destruction.
90% of all drugs are brought into the U.S. from Mexico by illegal aliens. 65% of all violent crimes are done by illegal aliens. More than 50% of the illegal aliens in this country do not need, nor have any visible source of income; the rest, own homes and businesses under false names.
...and the worst part is that practically all of them have no intention of becoming citizens. They come for the "freebies" that you the taxpayer suckers are letting them have.
This November, you MUST vote out everyone in Washington that you can or acknowledge that you are a major part of America's demise.


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